BGC Security

BGC are a security consultancy that can infiltrate your organisation using physical techniques that will test the limits of your present defences. This includes background checking people to cover the range of threats from terrorism to crime that organisations face today.

Testing for vulnerabilities in physical security measures by infiltration

What do you need to test for?

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin

We simulate a knowledgeable insider attempting to exploit weak points. The team will develop a complete understanding of the target's physical security measures and routines before testing.

This is a combination of External and Insider threats. The team will have limited knowledge of the target organisation's physical security and processes. This might include limited access to simulate the organisation's ability to detect and respond.

The team acts as outsiders to the business, with limited knowledge of the target and will leverage Open-source intelligence and physical methods to test your defences.

Informed Threat
External Threat
Hybrid Threat

People are often the broken link in a chain, we can find out someones past and search to see what they have done before to give you confidance in who you are employing or having to work with.


How we operate

Security Consulting
Penetration Testing
person holding black and gray digital camera
person holding black and gray digital camera
Background checking

We will work with you to understand your security needs, by designing a package that sees your integrated systems tested and proven. We can work with high net-worth clients, events planning and business operations.

Physical penetration testing is to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in an organization's physical security infrastructure, ultimately strengthening the overall security posture and reducing the risk of physical security breaches.

Our background-checking services help you understand the people you are interacting with. We can conduct "Invisable" Searching with no record or "Hard" searching where we work with the individual.

security guard standing on the gray floor
security guard standing on the gray floor

How it all works

Plan for exploiting gaps

Build courses of action focused on vulnerabilities

Set objectives for an appropriate level of testing

Agree the risk appetite
two grey CCTV cameras
two grey CCTV cameras
Identify weak points

Maximise open-source information gathering

silver skeleton key on black surface
silver skeleton key on black surface

Conduct the phsyical penetration test

Document the process

Assess, evaluate and quantify vulnerabilities

Present the results

Incorporate testing into a cycle of security updating

two women facing security camera above mounted on structure
two women facing security camera above mounted on structure
Periodicly Review

Report the findings and reccomendations

Photo by Anete Lusina:
Photo by Anete Lusina:

Contact Us

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Responses expected within 12 hours